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Workshop on industrial design optimisation for fluid flow, Varna, BG, 22-24 Sep 2010


The EC-funded research project FlowHead develops adjoint-based optimisation methods for shape and topology optimisation of fluid flow with application to the automotive industry. The focus in FlowHead is on:

  • development of continuous and discrete adjoint flow solvers for industrial application,
  • CAD-based, morphing-based and node-based parametrisations,
  • industrial application of topology optimisation for fluids,
  • robust design,
  • industrial application and the integration into the product development process.

The project is organising a mid-term workshop to review the state of the art in industrial design optimisation for fluids.

Topics are:

  • Recent developments, novel approaches, future applications in adjoint-based optimisation,
  • Industrial application of adjoint-based optimisation in the automotive industry, but also aeronautical, turbomachinery, etc.
  • Application examples, benchmarks, industrial requirements ...
  • Alternative approaches in goal-based optimisation

The workshop aims to give an overview over the work within FlowHead, as well as to put the work into perspective through presentations on alternative approaches as well as invited presentations on current and future developments.

Invited speakers are:

  • Prof. N. Gauger (Humboldt University, Berlin): Towards an Adaptive One-Shot Approach for Aerodynamic Shape Optimisation
  • Prof. K. Giannakoglou (NTUA Athens): Computation of second-order derivatives in aerodynamic optimisation
  • Prof. Ch. Hirsch (Numeca, Brussels): Quantification and propagation of uncertainties in CFD and their impact on robust design
  • Prof. R. Loehner (George Mason Univ., Washington): Unsteady adjoints in CFD
  • Prof. U. Naumann (RWTH Aachen): Automating the generation of first- and higher-order adjoints


Organising Committee

The Scientific Committee comprises:

  • Prof. C. Hirsch, Numeca
  • Dr. F. Klimetzek, Daimler AG
  • Prof. R. Löhner, George Mason University
  • Prof. U. Naumann, RWTH Aachen

The Organising Committee comprises:

  • Prof. K. Bletzinger, TU München
  • Dr. F. Duddeck, QMUL
  • Dr. J.-D. Müller, QMUL
  • Dr. C. Othmer, Volkswagen AG
  • Dr. G. Todorov, TU Sofia

The coordinator of the FlowHead project is:

Dr. Jens-Dominik Müller
School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road
London, E1 4NS, UK
email: j.mueller@qmul.ac.uk

For any queries, please contact the organisers at: flowhead@qmul.ac.uk



The workshop is held at Hotel Lilia in Varna, Bulgaria, http://www.hotellilia.com/. The hotel is situated in the world famous blacksea resort - Golden Sands, on 17 km. to the north of Varna, Bulgaria.


The workshop date 22-24 September, 2010 is near the end of the tourist season, with most charter flights still operating in addition to regular scheduled services. Flight information can be obtained from http://www.varna-airport.bg

A number of minbus services from the airport to Hotel Lilia are organised, taxi transfer can also be booked through the organising company BTC.



The registration fee includes a book of abstracts, coffees, lunches and the workshop dinner on Thursday evening, 23 September 2010.

Item Price
Registration before 31 July 2010 €100.00
Registration after 31 July 2010 €200.00
Single room, per person €43.50
Double room, for two persons €67.00
Taxi Transfer, one way €25.00


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