Saturday 22nd February 2025  


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WP1: Embedding CFD optimisation workflows into the automotive PDP


  1. Analysis of current PDP: identification of potential for optimisation workflows
  2. Specification of requirements for CFD optimisation workflows for typical use cases
  3. Generation of two demonstration cases (early and late phases of the PDP)
  4. Generation of additional validation cases
  5. Implementation of the CFD optimisation workflows into the PDPs and validation of the developments
  6. Develop recommendations for redesign of PDPs to further reduce development time


Task 1.1: Analysis of existing PDPs in the automotive industry
Task 1.2: Embedding of optimisation workflows into the PDP
Task 1.3: Redesign of PDPs

Partners involved:

Renault, FED, QMUL, DTU, TUS, VW

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