12:45 |
Lunch |
13:45 |
J.-D. Müller, Queen Mary, University of London: |
14:00 |
Invited presentation: |
14:50-17:45, Session 1: Application of flow optimisation in automotive design |
14:50 |
C. Othmer1, K. C. Giannakoglou2, A.S. Zymaris2, D.I. Papadimitriou,2 and E.M. Papoutsis-Kiachagias2. 1Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, 2National Technical University of Athens, Athens: |
15:15 |
M. Sidorkiewicz, Renault SA, Billancourt: |
15:40 |
Coffee |
16:05 |
C. Hinterberger, M. Olesen, Faurecia, Augsburg: |
16:30 |
A. Cano, CD-Adapco, Paris: |
16:55 |
M. Böhm, T. Schützle,J. Sauter, FE-Design GmbH, Karlsruhe: |
17:20 |
G. Todorov, J. Ovtcharova, B. Romanov, K. Kamberov, Technical University, Sofia: |
8:30 |
Invited presentation: |
9:20-10:35, Session 2: Adjoint solver development |
9:20 |
U. Naumann, J. Riehme, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen and University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield: |
9:45 |
D. Jones, F. Christakopoulos, J.-D. Müller,, Queen Mary, University of London: |
10:10 |
P. Trontin, J. Peter, F. Renac, ONERA, Chatillon: |
10:35 |
Coffee |
11:00-12:40, Session 3: Adjoint solvers and linkage to CAD |
11:00 |
G. Pierrot, M. Megahed, ESI, Paris: |
11:25 |
S. Munday, J.Papper, J.Gines, ICON Technology and Process Consulting Ltd, London: |
11:50 |
G. Yu, J.-D. Müller, Queen Mary, University of London: |
12:15 |
M. Delanaye, F. Lani, I. Lepot, Cenaero asbl, Gosselies: |
12:40 |
Lunch |
13:40 |
Invited presentation: Ch. Hirsch, Numeca, Brussels: |
14:30-15:45, Session 4: Robust optimisation, Topology optimisation |
14:30 |
L. Laniewski, J. Rokicki, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw: |
14:55 |
M. M. Gregersen, A. Evgrafov, M. P. Sørensen, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby: |
15:20 |
T. Schützle, M. Böhm, J. Sauter, FE-Design GmbH, Karlsruhe: |
15:45 |
Coffee |
19:30 |
Workshop Dinner |
8:30 |
Invited presentation: |
9:20-10:35, Session 5: One-shot and parameter-free methods |
9:20 |
Jaworski1, L.Laniewski1, J.-D. Müller2 and J. Rokicki1. 1Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw and 2Queen Mary, University of London, London: |
9:45 |
S. Schmidt, V. Schulz, University of Trier, Trier: |
10:10 |
E. Stavropoulou, M. Hojjat, R. Wüchner, K.-U. Bletzinger, Technical University, Munich: |
10:35 |
Coffee |
11:00 |
Invited presentation: |
11:50 |
Round Table discussion |
12:35 |
Lunch |